Error thrown when creating a new branch and using the Branch naming policy to check for a Jira issue

Issue #106 new
Filip Labarque created an issue


When we enable the check “Jira Ticket” in the Branch Naming Policy, we receive an error when creating a new branch:

  • Control Freak: java.lang.RuntimeException: Bad JIRA HTTP POST=401 SENT={"fields":["status","assignee"],"validateQuery":false,"jql":"KEY IN(TSM0109-3793)"} RECV=oauth_problem=nonce_used java.lang.RuntimeException: Bad JIRA HTTP POST=401 SENT={"fields":["status","assignee"],"validateQuery":false,"jql":"KEY IN(TSM0109-3793)"} RECV=oauth_problem=nonce_used at com.bitbooster.hook.JiraUtil.query( at com.bitbooster.hook.JiraUtil.query( at com.bitbooster.hook.ControlFreakHook.branchNameCheck( at com.bitbooster.hook.ControlFreakHook.processReceive( at com.bitbooster.hook.ControlFreakPreReceive.preUpdate(

Any idea why we receive this error? OAUTH seems to be working fine otherwise.

Comments (2)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Sorry for delay responding to this.

    Can you share your Bitbucket version, Jira version, and Control-Freak version? I would like to take a stab at replicating this.

  2. Filip Labarque reporter


    Jira v7.12.1

    Atlassian Bitbucket v6.7.1

    Control Freak was recently updated to 2020.02.07

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