Enable Control Freak to check for valid file names and sizes, with config of rules and branches

Issue #107 new
Puddleglum created an issue

There is a plugin called File Hook (https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1212934/file-hooks-plugin/version-history) which is currently unmaintained for BB > 6.x. Control Freak fortunately offers check of file sizes like part of the File Hook did. It would be great if names of files could also be checked against a regex. Even better if we could also exclude sth. (See attachments, copyright to owner of Hook)

Comments (4)

  1. Julius Davies [bit-booster.com] repo owner

    We have something kinda like this in the works.

    The main problem is that even looking at the current “Control-Freak” settings page gives me a headache! There’s sooooo many controls.

    But once we finally bite the bullet and break the controls into PAGES (e.g., tabbed) then I think I can finally tackle this one here.

    Alternatively, I’m happy to get “File-Hooks-Plugin” working for you! I can probably fork it on Github and get it working on BB 6.x and 7.x if that would be helpful to you!

  2. Julius Davies [bit-booster.com] repo owner

    (In other words I’m saying - yes - we would like to implement this - but no definite plans or timelines yet, unfortunately, which means this could take years before we finally get to it! No point lying to you.)

  3. Julius Davies [bit-booster.com] repo owner

    p.s. there is a secret feature of Control Freak that is related to this. Only available on the “repository” (e.g., drill down to a repo, go to settings → control freak). Add “?bbPage=2” to the config screen.

    e.g., something like this:


    I haven’t looked at this secret feature in a long time - might not work anymore!

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