We have no way to allow gatekeeper to work with control freak?

Issue #108 resolved
Former user created an issue

When we try to configure gatekeeper with control freak, to all committing via SSH, control freak fails with the following:

Warning: Permanently added '[]:36544' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. remote: Control Freak: at com.bitbooster.hook.MyMergeCheckHook.userExists(MyMergeCheckHook.java:2286)
remote: Control Freak - pre-receive failed: java.lang.NullPointerException
remote: at com.bitbooster.hook.MyMergeCheckHook.userExists(MyMergeCheckHook.java:2286)
remote: at com.bitbooster.hook.MyMergeCheckHook.authorCheck(MyMergeCheckHook.java:2156)
remote: at com.bitbooster.hook.MyMergeCheckHook.processReceive(MyMergeCheckHook.java:359)
remote: at com.bitbooster.hook.ControlFreakPreReceive.preUpdate(ControlFreakPreReceive.java:115)

We would like a way to configure control freak to allow the ssh-user, or at least to allow one (or more) system accounts to also be used.

Comments (4)

  1. Paul Wagland

    We have exactly this same issue. We have allowed the “email” that the ssh user uses to the “Exempt Users”, but that doesn’t help. Our stacktrace is slightly different, but that is probably just a different version, since the shape of the stack is the same:

    Warning: Permanently added '[]:36544' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. remote: Control Freak: java.lang.NullPointerException remote: java.lang.NullPointerException remote: at com.bitbooster.hook.ControlFreakHook.userExists(ControlFreakHook.java:2504) remote: at com.bitbooster.hook.ControlFreakHook.authorCheck(ControlFreakHook.java:2374) remote: at com.bitbooster.hook.ControlFreakHook.processReceive(ControlFreakHook.java:362) remote: at com.bitbooster.hook.ControlFreakPreReceive.preUpdate(ControlFreakPreReceive.java:120) remote:

    We are using Version:2019.10.20

  2. Julius Davies [bit-booster.com] repo owner

    v2020.05.05 (just published) now allows admins to exempt all access keys from the Control-Freak rules.

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