After a cherry pick, depending on permission, Rebase and Amend button are not available

Issue #112 new
Yann Perzo created an issue

Hi support
In some case (after a Cherry Pick), rebase and Amend button are not available for some "standard" users. With admin rights, it is OK.
Please find 2 screenshots with error on the 2° one.
Could please help to fix it ?


Comments (4)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Normally this happens because “Branch Permissions” (a Bitbucket native feature unrelated to PR-Booster) do not allow direct pushes to the target branch. PR-Booster probes the Branch Permissions to see if direct pushes are allowed. If direct pushes are not allowed PR-Booster marks its own Rebase / Squash / Amend buttons as unavailable.

    Note: Branch Permissions can be different for different users because they always except an “Except-Users” condition. That would explain why admin users don’t experience this same problem as your regular users.

    Do you know what the “Branch Permissions” are set to for the “Branch_For_Pull_Request_BLA” branch? Of course there is always a chance PR-Booster is not probing the branch permissions correctly in which case this would be a bug, but our own research suggests that’s not the case. (What version of PR-Booster are you using? What version of Bitbucket Server?)

  2. Yann Perzo reporter

    The branch permission for “Branch_For_Pull_Request_BLA” is “All changes”. Note that the major part of the time it is working fine but sometimes after a Cherry pick, we have the issue.

    Bitbucket server: 6.3.1

    PR booster: we’ve just upgrade the version and monitor to see if it happen again

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