Request for improvements of Branch Naming Policy in Control Freak

Issue #117 closed
Michael Vlasov created an issue

Hello Bit-Booster Team)

I appreciate you for your work!
You are making great add-ons for Bitbucket and Control Freak is one of them.

Our team are using it for some time and almost all is nice. However, we'll be glad for extension of functionality of Branch Naming Policy.

It will be great if you can swap select list with exceptions from Jira Ticket in "New Branch Names Must Match" with checkboxes and types of branches.

In other words Jira Ticket [Except For Release Branches] transform to a bundle of checkboxes [ ] Default, [ ] Development, [ ] Production, [ ] Release Branches, [ ] Hotfix Branches.

For our team important exceptions are Release and Hotfix Branches.

We hope to see this functionality in new versions of Control Freak add-on.

Comments (6)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Good idea. We’ll do this. Fits very naturally with existing configuration model. Stay tuned - will probably take 4-8 weeks before we implement this (pretty busy with other things at the moment).

  2. Alejandro Popov

    Hello to everyone? Is there some news about this request?

    And it also would be great to do exception not only for type of branches but also with something like “Do not apply this rule for names starts with/ends with [some text or regexp]”

    Thanks a lot!

  3. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    We plan to implement this pretty soon! I’ll leave a note here when it’s done. I like the idea about throwing in an extra regexp.

  4. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Fixed in v2020.11.03.

    Control Freak now lets you specify “Except Release Branches” or “Except Hotfix Branches” or even…. “Except Release and Hotfix Branches' 🙂

    (Not quite what you requested, but this will satisfy your specific usecase).

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