Control Freak: feature to block fixup commits on certain branches

Issue #118 new
Dávid Csákvári created an issue


Please consider adding a feature to block fixup commits on certain branches. (E.g. with a new option similar to “General Policy” > “Block Empty Commits On”).

In context of a PR it’s beneficial to push fixup commits to allow the reviewers see the changes, but it’s quite easy to forget about them accidentally merge the PR before squashing.

Currently Control Freak is able to verify that commits are matching to a certain regex (“Jira Policy” > “Commit Messages Must” > “Match regex”). With that it’s possible to disallow fixup commits on certain branches, but this has the sideeffect that I can only enable the other Jira policies to the same branches.

Thank you,

P.S. Thanks for the great plugin!

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