Too many revisions are checked when doing a --force push

Issue #127 open
Former user created an issue

We have enabled the check to ensure that the issue being related in the commit message is in a certain status. This works perfectly for the normal case of doing a push.

However, in our repo, we prefer to avoid merge commits, and so if we have a conflict, we do a rebase, resolve the conflict caused there, and then do a git push --force to push the fixed commit to the server.

This works find with most checks, however with the Jira status this doesn't work, since it also checks the status of all the commits that have already been merged to the target branch. They are perfectly allowed to be in the Merged status, however control-freak rejects the forced push because of these.

I suspect that to save work, control-freak is just checking the revisions from the "old head" to the "new head", which normally is perfectly OK. However, in the case of forced push, it might include many revisions which are not actually part of this push, since they are already on the server.

Comments (3)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Can you provide the exact error message you’re seeing when Control Freak rejects the commits?

    We plan to rollout a more “rebase-aware” Jira checker soon. Perhaps that will fix this issue for you.

  2. Paul Wagland

    Sadly, I don’t have the exact message, however it was the normal “this is an invalid revision, since this commit doesn’t match the JQL” message. Which is fine, since these had already been merged into master.

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