Control Freak: Jira reference detection does not consider whitespaces

Issue #133 new
Dávid Csákvári created an issue

I’ve pushed a commit with the following message:

Add file

The commit was rejected by Control Freak:

The following JIRA tickets do not exist on your JIRA server:

Note: Bitbucket itself does not consider IT-1 or the filename a Jira identified. (On the commit list it does not show as a link.)

Comments (2)

  1. Dávid Csákvári reporter

    Related problem: if the commit message contains “AAA-BBB-10CCC” Control Freak thinks “BBB-10” is a Jira reference and complains about it.

    Similarly as for the previous case, Bitbucket itself does not consider “BBB-10” or even “AAA-BBB-10CCC” as Jira identifiers.

  2. Andi Weirauch

    dito, same error The Jira refence is always at the beginning of the message.

    Message = “LF-60579: changed relevant dependencies on Boost version 1.55.0_VS2017 --> 1.55.0_VS2017-1“

    Error =

    remote: The following JIRA tickets do not exist on your JIRA server:
    remote: [VS2017-1].
    remote: Please remove references to those tickets from your commit messages.
    remote: -----

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