Since updating to v2020.04.09 project admins can no longer save their Control Freak settings

Issue #137 resolved
Filip Labarque created an issue

Project admins get a message “Only Bitbucket admins can access this page.” when saving Control Freak settings.

Before updating to v2020.04.09 this worked fine.

Comments (4)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    I cannot replicate this. I created a user with only repo-admin and another user with only project-admin. With v2020.04.09 both of these users are able to save Control Freak settings (at the appropriate hierarchy levels).

    Is there any chance your user clicked on this sentence?

    “If enabled, Control Freak's push and merge rules become active for this Project.”

    Clicking on that link sends the user to a special “read-only” presentation of the Global rules. That’s a special read-only page that starts with this text:

    This page is read-only.

    Bitbucket Admins can adjust these values on the Control Freak Settings page.

    The idea behind this special “read-only” view of the global settings is to help repo & project admins communicate with global & site admins if any settings should be adjusted at that level.

  2. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Waiting for confirmation from Filip Labarque that this is a real bug - so far I cannot reproduce it.

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