Control Freak: support multiple Jira instances

Issue #145 resolved
Former user created an issue

We had some trouble when two Jira instances are connected to Bitbucket where Control Freak is installed.

If the valid ticket policy is enabled for a repository and the ticket does not exist in the primary Jira instance, but only in the second one Control Freak will reject the commit.

Additionally, in some rare cases we also experienced that in this setup, if all tickets except one are existing in the primary Jira instance, Control Freak will reject the push (rightfully) but lists all ticket ID's as invalid references in the error message, not just the faulty one.

Comments (4)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    fixed in version v2020.09.21

    (this cosmetic issue where all ticket ID’s listed in the reject message is not fixed, but all secondary Jira instances are checked now, as long as they are properly configured as application links)

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