Timeout occurs when Cherry-Pick

Issue #149 duplicate
Former user created an issue

The error below occurs when running Cherry-Pick.

PR-Booster-2019.07.17 / Git-2.13.3 / Bitbucket-6.1.2 / Linux-3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64-amd64 pwd: /DATA/at_home/bitbucket/caches/bbClones/13589 /usr/bin/git rebase --abort (Took=29ms) /usr/bin/git cherry-pick --abort (Took=4ms) Exit=-1 /usr/bin/git reset --hard --quiet d00367c5b795bd8309ded409e5ce17ca834c2b40 -- (Took=60013ms) Err=[] Out=[] Exit=-1 /usr/bin/git reset --hard --quiet d00367c5b795bd8309ded409e5ce17ca834c2b40 -- (Took=60013ms) Err=[] Out=[] Exit=-1 /usr/bin/git reset --hard --quiet d00367c5b795bd8309ded409e5ce17ca834c2b40 --

These errors usually occur in places where the total volume of repository is large and many histories. So, if it's true that a total volume of repository is large and many histories is a problem, then how do we increase Timeout? If not, we would like you to give us a different solution.

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