Control Freak Errors during Git Operations

Issue #162 wontfix
Suresh Bhandiwad created an issue

Hello Team,

We have recently introduced Control Freak causing issues with Git operations. Can you please help with attached errors?

  1. Push rejected due to Jira ticket, for older commits.
  2. Foxtrot merge not allowed on branch
  3. Merge in opposite direction error.
  4. Creating a branch from UI asks for Jira ticket.


Comments (2)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    The errors you mentioned in the attached word document are all normal expected behaviours of Control Freak! Your Bitbucket administrators have configured Control Freak to raise those errors on purpose to prevent specific git operations from affecting your repositories!


    Here’s the background on foxtrot merges:

    You can disable those controls in the Control-Freak settings page (per repo, per project, or globally) if it’s not something you care about. Also, if fast-forward merges are disabled in the Bitbucket UI, then foxtrot merges are much less of a problem, so might be safe to disable this in that case.

    When fast-forward merges are allowed foxtrot merges make a mess of the git history - they make it hard to follow the branch history (as my blog post above explains). That’s why we recommend blocking them.


    The UI blocking branches without Jira tickets simplly means an admin has configured Control Freak to block all branches that don’t have a Jira ticket in their name. Ask your admin to turn that off, or make sure to put a Jira ticket in the branch name. 😉 Usually new release branches are allowed without a Jira ticket - perhaps your admin has left the exception in place.

  2. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Closing as "wontfix" for now because it sounds like Bitbucket administrators at your company have configured Control Freak to block these operations, and so everything is working as designed.

    Please leave a comment on this ticket and I am happy to reopen it in case I am not understanding correctly.

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