Issues with Commit Graph and PR-Booster

Issue #164 on hold
Alex Christensen created an issue

I am working on upgrading Commit Graph and PR-Booster in our Bitbucket 6.7.3 Data Center instance and I've encountered some issues.

  • For Commit Graph, the release notes of the latest version state: "master" was often included in all-branches-graph even if chosen filters specified that "master" should not be included. Fixed! However, this doesn't appear to have changed in our instance. When I just filter to see feature branches, I still see the master branch on the all-branches-graph.
  • I thought this might be related to something in PR-Booster (like existing deprecated code/functionality since Commit Graph used to be part of PR-Booster), so I disabled PR-Booster to see if this solved the problem. The problem still existed.
  • Additionally, I cannot enable PR-Booster any more. I tried uninstalling PR-Booster entirely, but even after a reinstall, I still cannot enable PR-Booster.

Can you please help us troubleshoot these problems? Please let me know what additional information you need to help us out here.

Comments (3)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Hi Alex Christensen,

    The “master” filter should work… it will show up in the graph if ANY of the other filters also happen to point to it. Would it be possible to attach a screenshot here (just need to see the filters and the graph, the commit data can be blanked out, that’s fine).

    Here’s what I’m seeing when I try to replicate this:

    As for PR-Booster failing to enable - probably it’s a duplicate of these?  #116 and also #86

    On each node of your datacenter cluster:

    • shut down bitbucket
    • take backup of $BITBUCKET_HOME/plugins/.osgi-cache/
    • completely delete $BITBUCKET_HOME/plugins/.osgi-cache/
    • restart bitbucket

  2. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Setting this to "on hold" while I wait to see if Alex Christensen can provide an example where "master" is not being filtered when it should be.

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