Merge-Check depends on Jira UI Language

Issue #183 new
Former user created an issue


we have created a Merge Check that verifies that the related Jira ticket is in the State "In Progress" in order to perform the Merge. (See attached file: Merge checks for Modules - Bitbucket.png)

Unfortunately this only works as long as the Jira User interface of the User performing the merge is set to english language. As soon as I change my UI language to German, the merge is blocked for me, because the state is now called "In Arbeit" instead of "In Progress". A colleague who is using a English language Jira UI is still able to perform the merge. (See attached file: Pull Request - Bitbucket.png)

In my opinion this check should not rely on the user interface language but always use the state-name that is not translated to the user language.

Using a regular expression with a logical OR, like "(In Progress|IN ARBEIT)" is not an option. I don't know which languages our users have chosen for their UI.

Control Freak Version: 2020.05.05 Bitbucket Server Version: v6.10.3 Linked to a Jira Cloud instance.

Thank you very much, Tobias

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