Control only email address of authors and commiters

Issue #208 closed
Łukasz Matuszczak created an issue

Hello Team.

We are the users of Control Freak Plugin and we really appreciate your work :).

It would be very convenient if the Author policy only applied to commiter/author email addresses. That would be in line with Bitbucket’s behaviour, which maps users from commits to Bitbucket users only by email address. The user name is only a descriptive attribute and is not even shown in Bitbucket UI when the commiter/author is mapped to Bitbucket user. It is also hard to control the correct form of full user name in our case as it comes from LDAP repository, and the full name format can change in Active Directory.

Maybe you could provide a flag to control only user emails in commits. Note there are some options to differentiate user emails and names in YACC plugin:

We hope to see this functionality in new versions of Control Freak add-on.

Comments (6)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this enhancement request. This is a good idea. I understand the main idea here is to add an option to ONLY check the email address?

  2. Łukasz Matuszczak reporter

    Yes, exactly. There is an “Authorship Policy” section with 3 options. Next to this section there could be an option "Identify commiter/author by":

    • "Email" (this should be default value in my opinion)
    • "Email and name" (current mode)

    with single (radio button) choice.

    I don’t see the point in checking only the username, but maybe there are some use cases.

  3. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Implemented. Look for Control-Freak version v2021.07.06 in

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