Does not display graph

Issue #21 closed
Patrick DeNardo created an issue

Some project do not display the commit circles on the line and other projects do not display any lines at all. Restarting the bitbucket service did not resolve issue.

Comments (14)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Eek! Some questions:

    • Browser version? OS?

    • Bitbucket Server version, os, and git version on server?

    • Anything interesting in the javascript console in the browser? (usually something like "Tools --> Developer Tools --> Console")

    • Does a graph correctly render on the regular "commits" page?

  2. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Thanks, great bug report.

    As a temporary workaround, you can rollback your version. Do a complete uninstall of the add-on, and then install by pasting this URL directly into the "Upload Add-on" popup on the "Manage Add-ons" page:

    (Or use any version you like from here: , but I recommend 2016.7.20 , because I suspect there must be something fishy going on in the JIRA integration logic that was introduced shortly after that version).

    You shouldn't need to restart Bitbucket.

  3. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Version 2016.09.15 pushed to marketplace. Should fix this. Thanks for the bug report.

  4. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Can you get me the response of the REST call?

    Try starting developer tools, click on the "network" tab, filter for "XHR", and then refresh the page (e.g., F5) when the circles fail to show. (Screenshot "network-tab-step1.png" is from me doing the same thing).

    Then right-click on the REST call to open it in another tab --- it will be a commitId (e.g., 71010b23b29f98bc35b2e71e3e6b831ae2ff52b8 in the attached screenshot, which you can replicate for yourself at (username "test" password "test").


    Here's a happy REST response:


    If a stacktrace is happening under the hood, it will be full of HTML from Bitbucket trying to draw the "Sorry There Was A Problem" page.

  5. Patrick DeNardo reporter

    Hi, I had a question about the foxtrot issue. Are you saying that commit b change set is lost when merged or do we still have the changes just not the individual commit?


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  6. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Yes, no work is ever lost. The commit itself disappears from the output of "git log --first-parent". That's all. As the blog entry concludes:

    At the end of the day a foxtrot merge is just like any other merge. Two (or more) commits come together to reconcile separate development histories. As far as your codebase is concerned, it makes no difference. Whether commit A merges into commit B or vice versa, the end result from a code perspective is identical. But when it comes to your repository’s history, as well as using the git toolset effectively, foxtrot merges create havoc. By setting up policy to prevent them, you make your history easier to understand

    Are you coming from the blog post?

    Or the stack-overflow question?

  7. Patrick DeNardo reporter

    This is helpful.. It sound like I do not have an issue unless I am analyzing the log output to do something special.

    Thanks, Pat

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