jira links in all-commit graph for A2B-123 style jira links

Issue #24 resolved
Julius Davies [bit-booster.com] repo owner created an issue

Some JIRA project keys have a mix of alpha and numeric (e.g. A2B) but our current regex does not anticipate this.

Comments (2)

  1. Ashok G

    The same issue even i also facing , I want to implement the regex to accept the JIRA issues if it matches to this string "DEFECT_ID:CIP-12345" tje same regex i have been using in many python scripts its working but in control freak plugin its not working for JIRA Policy section .

    Could you please help me to resolve this ?

    Bitbucket version : Atlassian Bitbucket v5.13.1

    Control Freak Plugin version : v. 2018.10.10

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