Error after bitbucket upgrade and migration

Issue #30 resolved
Christian Schlaefcke created an issue


for one of my customer that is currently evaluating the Bit-Booster Plugin for Bitbucket I upgraded Bitbucket to the latest version (5.2.1) and upgraded also the Plugin (2017.07.24). With the upgrade also the installation and data directories changed and now pushing the the rebase button leads to the following error:

Bit-Booster-2017.07.24 / Git-2.11.0 / Bitbucket-5.2.1 / Linux-4.9.0-3-amd64-amd64 
Exit=1 /usr/bin/git push origin --force-with-lease=WFA-1313-calendar-zoom:3b9b00357405fd93a040 HEAD:refs/heads/WFA-1313-calendar-zoom
To /opt/atlassian/data/bitbucket/4.10.1/shared/data/repositories/1
! [rejected]            HEAD -> WFA-1313-calendar-zoom (stale info)
error: failed to push some refs to '/opt/atlassian/data/bitbucket/4.10.1/shared/data/repositories/1'

Actually the correct current repo path would be: '/opt/atlassian/data/bitbucket/5.2.1/shared/data/repositories/1'

I already had a look at the plugin settings and could not find any point on changing the path. The reinstallation of the plugin also did not help.

Best Regards,


Comments (4)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Hi, Christian,

    On the Bit-Booster global settings page, near the top, there is a button: "Delete Bit-Booster Temporary Clones".

    If you click that button, does the problem go away?

    I think know what's going wrong, but that button should work as a temporary workaround until I implement a proper fix. You should only need to click the "Delete Temporary Clones" button once per major Bitbucket upgrade until I implement the fix.

    Thanks for the bug report!

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