Commit message is cut off

Issue #41 resolved
Former user created an issue

The following message "VTF-29. Adding servo configuration file." shows up as "VTF-29." Sourcetree shows the entire message.

Comments (2)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    If you hover the mouse over the commit message then more of it will show.

    The current logic only grabs the first line of the comment. E.g., consider this commit:

    commit 8394f7863d185f74629cd5491631b5478f6ad5ba (HEAD -> master, origin/master)
    Author: G. Sylvie Davies <>
    Date:   Fri Jun 1 16:26:19 2018 -0700

    In all-branches-graph only "A" will show, but mouse hover will show "A B C". Nonetheless I'll put out a fix to make this a bit better based on your feedback.

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