Git Log error

Issue #43 closed
Phillip Myburgh created an issue

In one of our repo's we get the following error, which prevents us from rebasing:

Err: '/usr/bin/git log --pretty=#BB_COMMITTER=%cN <%cE>%n#_BB_AUTHOR=%aN <%aE>%n# Commit _BBNNN:%n%B --encoding=UTF-8 --no-merges --date-order faf1a07a074994d231400c108dab2a9aa69bac88..f7bf0cbfb3f0ef8b6642ef7b406bb6a8c957073b': 128 - fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

Comments (5)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    We're looking into this. Do you know what git version, bitbucket version, and bit-booster version are you using?

  2. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Also, how is disk space looking on your Bitbucket Server instance? (Is there a chance your server ran out of disk space?)

  3. Phillip Myburgh reporter

    We checked the free space and it seems to be fine. We are on Bitbucket 5.0.1 and bit-booster 2017.10.31 They are a bit old, and we want to upgrade some time in the future.

  4. Peter Ntende

    PR-booster latest update, causes error on one of the Repository in our instance... Bitbucket 5.15.0 PR booster 2018.09.26 we have enough drive space,and all git versions from 2.7 to 2.19 Other repositories work fine. Workaround roll back to bit booster.

  5. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    HItting the “delete temporary clone” button fixed this (in the config screen, e.g., repo-specific, project-specific, or global PR-Booster config).

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