control freak not blocking merge

Issue #71 closed
Former user created an issue

We have control freak configured to block merge if rebase is needed. However on the PR screen both the Merge and Rebase buttons are active instead of Merge being greyed out.

BB DC 5.14.1 version, Control freak 2018.10.24

Comments (2)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Can you share a screenshot of your repo's config for Control Freak (repo --> settings --> control freak)?

    Can you also share a screenshot of the PR screen with the active merge button? In particular I'm curious to see the source branch and target branch of the PR.

    We can switch to email ( if you prefer to not attach screenshots here on our public bug tracker. Or if screenshots are not possible, please try to describe the pages I've requested.

  2. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    This issue was caused by misconfiguration.

    Direct communication with the user resolved it.

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