Branch Naming Policy - Jira

Issue #93 new
Former user created an issue

Hello guys, when activating the Branch Naming Poliy for Jira, I reciece following error when creating a branch in Jira: Branch creation canceled Control Freak: at com.bitbooster.hook.JiraUtil.query( at com.bitbooster.hook.JiraUtil.query( at com.bitbooster.hook.MyMergeCheckHook.branchNameCheck( at com.bitbooster.hook.MyMergeCheckHook.processReceive( at com.bitbooster.hook.ControlFreakPreReceive.preUpdate( Any Ideas? Bitbucket Version: 6.1.0 Jira Version: 7.13.1 Control Freak Version: 2019.08.30

Comments (2)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Is it possible to share the rest of the error message? Should look something like this:

    "Bad JIRA HTTP POST=" + code + " SENT=" + jsonToSend + " RECV=" + result

    If you prefer to keep information private, email me:

  2. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Seems there’s something going wrong with the JQL query. Try popping the JQL query directly into Jira’s “search for issues” box. For your reference, here’s the JQL that’s failing: KEY IN(SPIELSOFTW-2)

    Also, can you try again using the latest version of Control Freak (v2020.11.03)?

    p.s. Sorry for the horrible delay on this ticket. We had some serious staffing problems in the first half of 2020 (in part due to COVID-19), but those are all resolved now and we’re back to full steam ahead!

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