NumberPathExpressionProviderImpl cannot parse doubles

Issue #23 open
Former user created an issue

In NumberPathExpressionProviderImpl Apache lang3 StringUtils.isNumeric(xxx) is used to check if the string is a valid integer, this will not work if it is a double.

Later on in the various functions (eq, ne, gt, lt etc) Apache lang3 math NumberUtils.createNumber(xxx) is used to create a number from that string.

If we use NumberUtils.isCreatable(xxx) instead of StringUtils.isNumeric(xxx) to validate the String then doubles and integers work out of the box.

I've had to recreate the package structure in my project in order to subclass NumberPathExpressionProviderImpl and make this change as NumberPathExpressionProviderImpl has package visibility.

Comments (3)

  1. GT Tech repo owner

    will be looked at now. Sorry, I had been away from this framework for a while. Picking it back up again.

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