How can get get camera pose from SFMExample_bal.cpp?

Issue #332 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'd like to write the optimization result to a .ply file and display it. So I need to first acquire camera pose from result, whose type is Value. However the type Value confuses me a lot, because I cannot set a correct symbol to index the poses. I've successfully acquired the 3D points in the following way:

/* Optimize the graph and print results */
  Values result;
  try {
    LevenbergMarquardtParams params;
    LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer lm(graph, initial, params);
    result = lm.optimize();
  } catch (exception& e) {
    cout << e.what();
  cout << "final error: " << graph.error(result) << endl;

  for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
    Eigen::Vector3d t;
    t =<Point3>(P(i));
    std::cout << t.transpose() << std::endl;

I wonder how I can index the pose part of each camera? Below is my result displayed in the terminal by using function print(), and the dataset I use is dubrovnik-3-7-18-pre.txt.

final error: 0.00234484790701
Values with 10 values:
Value c0: (N5gtsam13PinholeCameraINS_11Cal3BundlerEEE) .poseR:
       0.999977223274 -0.00230514620207  0.00634344022609;
        -0.00244250266406   -0.999760860789   0.0217314384163;
         0.00629182911806  -0.0217464373149   -0.999743719835
[-0.748902674644, 0.237838387455, 1.70883983936]';.calibration.K[1430.03198; -0.000332702018; -4.86536183e-05; 0; 0];

Value c1: (N5gtsam13PinholeCameraINS_11Cal3BundlerEEE) .poseR:
       0.93896213   0.303743412  -0.161524173;
          0.303059168  -0.952516099 -0.0294656097;
          -0.16280436 -0.0212842897  -0.986428771
[0.694744511, 0.0768199095, 1.42674212]';.calibration.K[1356.06343; 0.481177863; -0.764335134; 0; 0];

Value c2: (N5gtsam13PinholeCameraINS_11Cal3BundlerEEE) .poseR:
       0.94461052 -0.0569333385   0.323217514;
         -0.161836169  -0.937580044   0.307819291;
          0.285517111  -0.343077624  -0.894861846
[-9.47394625, -8.44266019, 6.21279028]';.calibration.K[1568.54046; 12.6307594; -73.0687803; 0; 0];

Value p0: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [-12.0558961, 12.8386795, -41.0994235]'

Value p1: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [5.73030717, 0.482589835, -21.8320539]'

Value p2: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [9.89975696, 3.18013164, -23.5054797]'

Value p3: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [9.91790401, 2.99110771, -23.5137072]'

Value p4: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [11.1660295, 19.7648731, -45.2522347]'

Value p5: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [-0.366083041, 2.33137686, -21.7413939]'

Value p6: (N5gtsam6Point3E) [5.82827434, 11.0966556, -39.6923671]'

-12.0558961  12.8386795 -41.0994235
 5.73030717 0.482589835 -21.8320539
 9.89975696  3.18013164 -23.5054797
 9.91790401  2.99110771 -23.5137072
 11.1660295  19.7648731 -45.2522347
-0.366083041   2.33137686  -21.7413939
 5.82827434  11.0966556 -39.6923671
num cameras: 3

Comments (2)

  1. Frank Dellaert

    In Values.h:

        /** Retrieve a variable by key \c j.  The type of the value associated with
         * this key is supplied as a template argument to this function.
         * @param j Retrieve the value associated with this key
         * @tparam ValueType The type of the value stored with this key, this method
         * Throws DynamicValuesIncorrectType if this requested type is not correct.
         * Dynamic matrices/vectors can be retrieved as fixed-size, but not vice-versa.
         * @return The stored value
        template<typename ValueType>
        ValueType at(Key j) const;

    Please resolve this issue if it works.

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