Matlab toolbox crashes on Mac

Issue #79 resolved
Vadim Indelman created an issue

The below error is obtained in Matlab when using the current gtsam version. Removing the two files [libtbb, libtbbmalloc] as recommended causes Matlab application to not open at all.

Invalid MEX-file '/Users/vindelman3/gtsam_toolbox/gtsam_wrapper.mexmaci64': dlopen(/Users/vindelman3/gtsam_toolbox/gtsam_wrapper.mexmaci64, 6): Symbol not found: __ZNSt13runtime_errorD1Ev Referenced from: /Users/vindelman3/lib/libgtsam.3.dylib Expected in: /Applications/ in /Users/vindelman3/lib/libgtsam.3.dylib

Error in gtsam.Pose2 (line 59) [ my_ptr, base_ptr ] = gtsam_wrapper(207);

Comments (3)

  1. Chris Beall

    Did you try compiling that part statically? The GTSAM_MEX_BUILD_STATIC_MODULE flag should probably do that. I think Richard already looked into this issue and that was the only solution, if moving the libraries didn't work.

    From the CMake output: "MATLAB will usually still work with these libraries moved away, but if not, you'll have to compile the static GTSAM MATLAB wrapper module."

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