edgeDynamic error for dateTime

Issue #15 resolved
Thomas Ullmann created an issue

I get the error: Error in sprintf("%.1f", edgeDynamic[, 1]) : invalid format '%.1f'; use format %s for character objects when executing this: graph = write.gexf(data.frame(id = c("A","B"), name=c("A","B")), data.frame(source = "A", target="B"), nodeDynamic=data.frame(start=c("2013-10-14T02:00:30","2013-10-14T02:00:30"), end=c("2013-12-18T23:59:56","2013-12-18T23:59:56")), edgeDynamic=data.frame(start="2013-10-14T02:00:30", end="2013-12-18T23:59:56"), defaultedgetype = "directed", tFormat="dateTime" )

rgexf version 0.13.8 (R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25) on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (64-bit))

Similar error but different in master (seems like the dates are getting converted to factors).

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