Igraph.to.gexf: Cannot export graphs containing non-connected nodes

Issue #26 resolved
Tobias Bornakke created an issue

When trying to export an igraph object where some nodes have no edges rgexf fails in two ways:

1) If no positions is given the graph is exported, but without the non-connected nodes. 2) If a position is given, the following error is given:

"Error in .parseNodesVizAtt(nodesVizAtt, nodes) : Insuficient number of "nodeVizAtt" rows: The atts position (189). Every att should have the same number of rows than nodes there are (163).

I have tracked the error down to line 23 in the igraph.R file: nodes <-merge(tmpnodes,nodes, by.x="name", by.y="label")

Here only node id extracted from the edgelist is kept. I have tried to add an all.x to the merge call, but though this probably solves the issue another error is thrown.

Comments (4)

  1. Tobias Bornakke reporter

    I'm afraid I did not reach a fix on this issue. The code seem a bit weird in exactly this section.

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