Number of decimal places for viz atts

Issue #16 resolved
George Vega Yon repo owner created an issue

By request of Nicolas Claidiere, rgexf needs to increase the number of decimal points allowed in viz atts (size/width). His email:

Dear George,

Thank you so much for the RGEXF package, which is extremely useful.

I have however a small problem, when I try to include small weights (e.g. 0.001), they are rounded up to 0.0 which leads to more problem with calculation of centrality, etc.

So for instance, if I try: graph<-write.gexf(nodes=data.frame(c(1:10),c(1:10)), edges=data.frame(rep(1,9),c(2:10)), edgesWeight=c(1:9)/1000))

weights are just 0.

I have posted a question on the Gephi forum and would be very grateful if you could reply:

Thanks again for your support, Nico

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