Sigma exporter appears brokken

Issue #21 new
Tobias Bornakke created an issue

I'm trying to export a igraph object to sigma through rgexf however instead of a graph I get the following output in the browser:

"Only NEWS and URLs under /doc and /library are allowed "

I have tried to debug the error which seem related to the loading of the js files, but pointing to other js files just triggers a bunch of other errors which is beyond my capabilities to understand.

PS: another small error is at the wiki which states that the latest version in cran is 0.14.9. while Rstudio says that it is Not the worlds biggest problem, but I did spent 15 min. trying to uncover if I were using a old version of Rgexf.

Comments (3)

  1. Tobias Bornakke reporter

    Hi Again,

    I have investegated a bit more on my own and running the file through a Node.js server seems to work, so I believe the problem are somehow relate to the Rook server.

    I'm running RStudio on a Mac OSX (most recent version) Rook 10-9.

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