Exported gexf files not compatiable with newest Sigma.js version

Issue #22 resolved
Tobias Bornakke created an issue

I have been attempting to move my data from R to Sigma.Js through rgexf. I have tried with both print(gexf) og plot(gexf), but I cannot open any of the gexf files in Sigma afterwards. Only way to make the file open is to open it in Gephi and then export it to gexf from there.

When I compare the content of the gexf file from rgexf and the one Gephi saves there are only one difference which I can identify which is the viz informations for the nodes:

Node in Rgexf

<node id="1" label="1"/>

Same node in Gephi

<node id="1" label="1"> <attvalues></attvalues> <viz:size value="10.0"></viz:size> <viz:position x="-187.94499" y="308.451" z="0.0"></viz:position> <viz:color r="153" g="153" b="153"></viz:color> </node>

Is it difficult to implent so that rgexf exports these informations? A simple solution would be to to check if the gexf object contained size, position or color and if not then insert some default values?

Comments (6)

  1. Tobias Bornakke reporter

    The same file which have now been opened in Gephi and exported as a new file. Notice that some edges have been removed because they were overlapping.

  2. Tobias Bornakke reporter

    I went to look at the code my self and then discovered write.gexf which seems to support the needed fields for sigma. I mark this as resolved.

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