Namelist documentation disappears sometimes

Issue #106 on hold
Stephen Biggs-Fox created an issue

The namelist documentation that is usually here: is currently missing (error 404, page not found). This has happened before. I believe we discussed before that this is some consequence of how / when the docs are built automatically after pushes / merges. Maybe we need to adjust the configuration so that the docs are always available, e.g. they are always built from master after a merge to master (i.e. when a new release is made so the docs always reflect the latest release).

Comments (6)

  1. David Dickinson

    I don’t recall this ever happening before. We just released 8.0.4 yesterday so I expect it’s this that has caused the issue. For some reason I can’t see the log from gitlab building the docs, but it seems it only took 30 seconds, which is too quick so I suspect something went wrong. My guess would be that perhaps it failed to install ford as we’ve updated how we do this in the 8.0.4 release.

  2. Peter Hill

    I think it’s because we currently have multiple branches that build the docs and their in a slightly inconsistent state. There’s different levels of fancy ways to fix this. Simplest might just be build from master-only though. Or perhaps a dedicated docs branch?

  3. David Dickinson

    I should say it seemed like the whole website was giving 404 – the namelist docs would disappear in this situation as that’s a feature only in next. I’ve just updated next with the 8.0.4 changes so hopefully that will trigger the correct full rebuild.

  4. Stephen Biggs-Fox reporter

    OK, good. I will put this on hold for now and we can mark it as resolved once 8.1 is released (assuming it is in fact resolved).

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