Documentation of Gauss-Radau grids

Issue #137 new
Ian Abel created an issue

The new Gauss Radau grids feature isn’t correctly documented:

  1. There’s no mention in the wiki page for le_grids_knobs of the flag to turn the new grid off (radau_grids = .false. i think?)
  2. Ingen has no idea about the new feature (it should tell you what the lambda/energy grids are for your selected options)

Comments (5)

  1. David Dickinson

    Thanks for flagging this. Are you looking at the old documentation on sourceforge or the new documentation at ? I agree that ingen should flag this choice and any corresponding issues.

    I’ve been looking at the vspace grids quite a bit recently to try to introduce some tests (see PR #392 if you’re interested) and have a small calculation to provide an estimate of the error on the weights which we could also add to the ingen report.

    I’d also be interested if you have any thoughts on issue #136

  2. David Dickinson

    Ah yes, the Bitbucket wiki is basically just a direct port of the old wiki and isn’t really maintained. I agree that there should be a clear sign post to the website here.

  3. David Dickinson

    I’ve added some text redirecting readers to the website on the main wiki page and the input parameter pages. Hopefully this should address point 1 of the issue.

  4. David Dickinson

    I should note that the namelist documentation is now automatically generated from in code comments (from next onwards) so it should hopefully be easier to ensure this keeps in sync. The main task is to finish porting over and expanding the old documentation to the new in code form.

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