Support codes wont compile

Issue #140 new
David Dickinson created an issue

Some of the auxiliary support codes (such as eiktest and ball) currently do not compile. This is due to missing declarations for the Miller variables akappa akappri tri and tripri. Simply adding these declarations would allow the codes to compile but these (input) values would be ignored. This is due to changes introduced in commit ce2b7ba5a57d327ccbaf238695125fb0f6da6cd7

A full fix for this issue may involve significant refactoring/structuring of these support codes.

Comments (2)

  1. David Dickinson reporter

    Hi Masha, You could add the variables at so the line reads

      real :: bbar, akappa, akappri, tri, tripri

    This will enable you to compile eiktest on the master branch but do note that these Miller variables will not be passed through to the geometry calculation, so if you intend to use Miller geometries this won’t be sufficient. A more comprehensive collection of fixes is available in the next branch and you may want to try this out if you have any trouble with the current release in master.

    I hope that helps but do let me know if it still doesn’t work or you have further questions.

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