Is it worth warning if save_for_restart is false in nonlinear runs

Issue #175 new
David Dickinson created an issue

It’s easy to forget to save restart files and only notice after a large run has finished. There are certainly reasons one may not want to store restart files for a nonlinear simulation (size and file count) but I would expect this to be less common than wanting to save them here. Should we add a smart default based on the nonlinear flag or should we just add a warning (and if so to ingen or to the screen during the run).

Comments (1)

  1. David Dickinson reporter

    It may be possible to get GS2 to revisit the input file during the run so that the user could change the input file, send a signal to GS2 (e.g. touch <runname>.refresh_config) GS2 then reads the input file, decides if anything has changed and then responds appropriately. This would be quite complex in general, but we may be able to support a small subset of options. Probably nicer to not modify the original input file but to have the new settings in a different file, perhaps.

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