Submodule documentation

Issue #18 resolved
Peter Hill created an issue

Currently, when we update the submodules, people may need to manually sync them. We need to provide adequate documentation on how to do this, and how to recognise when to do it

Comments (5)

  1. Bill Dorland

    Submodules == utils, Makefiles, etc? Is a directory like geo a submodule, too?

    Sorry to be ignorant. The contours of the code suite shifted in a lot of ways over the last two years and I am still catching up.

  2. Peter Hill reporter

    Yep, utils and Makefiles are submodules, and everything else is a normal directory.

    No worries! I'm still in the process of familiarising myself with the project!

  3. David Dickinson

    This reflects the shared nature of utils and Makefiles, which were svn externals in the svn repository. Sub-modules are about the closest thing to this that git has.

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