Lack of quick facility for printing omega(t) to screen

Issue #200 resolved
Michael Hardman created an issue

I am upgrading to the most recent master version of the code (8.1.2) after spending too long in a development branch. After running a favourite test case, I note that omega and omega_avg are no longer written to ASCII text files, regardless of the input options. This is documented here

Whilst I will be able to go and write a script that does this, it seems that a python facility for printing omega should be provided with GS2, since most of the community use GS2 only as a linear solver. I do not understand why the simple omega diagnostic has been removed from the source code (perhaps I have missed an earlier issue?). I would suggest that the ASCII diagnostic should be reinstated.

Comments (4)

  1. Michael Hardman reporter

    The problem here is the user: my eyes were distracted by the nonlinear flux outputs written in the same file as the omega diagnostic.

    Please ignore or delete this issue.

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