Processor counts in tests

Issue #24 closed
Joseph Parker created an issue

On my laptop, tests run with nproc instances of a one processor test, not one test using nproc processors. This is not the expected behaviour, or the behaviour seen in the pipelines. Does anyone else observe this?

Comments (13)

  1. Peter Hill

    When I run make tests, all the tests run with mpirun -np 2, e.g. : passed: gs2_init (mpirun -np 2 ./test_gs2_init )

  2. David Dickinson

    I've not tested this, but it will depend on which system makefile you're using (some define testexec etc. whilst others don't).

    (Looking into these makefiles I think we'll need to overhaul some of this to improve the ability to maintain+develop this.)

  3. Peter Hill

    Looks like it:

    make[2]: Entering directory '/home/peter/Codes/gyrokinetics/gs2/tests/unit_tests/asym_geo_genElong'
     Job           -1 Running on            2  processors

    The very first test looks like this though:

     Reading CHEASE input file: ogyropsi.dat                                                                    
              41 <---npsi_chease
             200 <---nchi_chease
     Job           -1 Running on            2  processors
     Job            1  is called wstar_units_false and is running on            1  processor
     Job            0  is called wstar_units and is running on            1  processor
     Finished ceqin... imported CHEASE equilibrium
  4. Joseph Parker reporter

    @daviddickinson I've defined TESTEXEC='mpirun -np 6', but it runs six copies of a one proc job.

  5. David Dickinson

    What if you don't define TESTEXEC but do define NPROCS or NPROCTEST (or whatever it is called)?

  6. Peter Hill

    This is my Makefile.local:

    # -*- mode: makefile-gmake -*-
    MAKEFLAGS = -I Makefiles
    GK_SYSTEM = gnu_ubuntu
    DEBUG = on
    FFT_INC = -I/usr/include
    NETCDF_INC = -I/usr/local/include
    NETCDF_LIB = -L/usr/local/lib64 -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
    F90FLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -std=gnu -ffree-form
    ONE_STEP_PP = on
  7. Joseph Parker reporter

    @daviddickinson :

    $ mpirun -np 6 ./test_gs2_diagnostics 
     Running on            1  processor
     Running on            1  processor
     Running on            1  processor
     Running on            1  processor
     Running on            1  processor
     Running on            1  processor


  8. Joseph Parker reporter

    Thanks @daviddickinson , it's that. Why, yes, I have been messy around with update-alternatives --config mpi... 😥

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