Consistent treatment of (effectively) shear-less case

Issue #241 new
Ryusuke Numata created an issue

Needs special treatment in several places if shat=0 or effectively shear-less (abs(shat)<1.e-5). In this issue, I’d like to make things correct for shear-less runs.

shat affects the wave numbers (kx, theta0, kperp2) in kt_grids, drift frequencies (wdrift, wcoriolis) in dist_fn, ExB shear and related diagnostics in dist_fn, and boundary condition (abs(shat) < 1.e-5 triggers periodic boundary), and maybe some more.

In most places abs(shat) < 1.e-5 means zero shear. Is this always true? Does this work fine?

Comments (3)

  1. Ryusuke Numata reporter

    Basically, the code relies on finite shat. Finite shat should always work fine. In other words, shat=0 is not basically acceptable.

    For shat=0 case, we can define x and kx independent of ky and q and shat. It is natural to define x/L = (dpsi_N/drho) (rho-rho0). Then kperp2 = ky^2 |grad alpha|^2 + kx^2 |grad rho|^2. To use the existing code, we may define gds22 = (shat*|grad rho|)^2, which obviously works only for shat /= 0. (gds21 may be shat*grad alpha.grad rho.)

    But, using shat parameter for shear-less case does not make sense to me.

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