Epar apparently not written to netcdf when write_final_epar=.true.

Issue #264 new
Michael Hardman created an issue

Is this a bug or intended functionality? I do have a input.epar ascii file produced.

I am using commit 8d5c581599941970be2e59cca5f1804be6cbf4cd (HEAD -> next, origin/next)

Comments (2)

  1. David Dickinson

    Thanks for the report. For some reason the new diagnostics always passes write_netcdf = .false. : https://bitbucket.org/gyrokinetics/gs2/src/e29e9ab8f2eb8d01292fee68588b8bbed560e00b/src/diagnostics/gs2_diagnostics_new.f90#lines-577

    I would assume this was originally done for backwards compatibility. I’ll push a patch which passes true here. In the meantime you can either edit the call yourself or use the old diagnostics (https://gyrokinetics.gitlab.io/gs2/page/namelists/index.html#knobs-use_old_diagnostics) which does write this to the netcdf file.

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