lowflow doesn't compile due to rank mismatch

Issue #33 resolved
Peter Hill created an issue

                 w_r(ie) = w(ie) * exp(energy(ie)*(1.0-1.0/temp_neo(ir,is))) / temp_neo(ir,is)**1.5
Error: Rank mismatch in array reference at (1) (1/2)

w is w(negrid,nspec).

As a secondary bug, w doesn't appear to be documented.

Comments (9)

  1. Joseph Parker

    Thanks Peter. This dates to the non-Maxwellian work, which updated things like energy and w to be functions of is as well as ie. (The exact commit is 92896fc.) This could easily be missed, because lowflow has to be explicitly turned on at compile time.

  2. Peter Hill reporter

    It might be wise to compile on Jenkins with all the optional features turned on. Are there any features that conflict? We might want at least MPI/non-MPI builds

  3. David Dickinson

    @josephparker compiling without mpi can be very helpful for some types of debugging (e.g. to avoid false positives in valgrind).

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