Citation request needs to be CLEARER and SIMPLER

Issue #59 resolved
Colin Malcolm Roach created an issue has a section on citing GS2.

Citing GS2 If you use GS2 in your work, please cite the metadata contained in CITATION.cff. You can convert the CITATION.cff file into a Bibtex file as follows: pip3 install --user cffconvert cffconvert -if CITATION.cff -f bibtex -of CITATION.bib

This is somewhat cryptic for folk who don't know what bibtex is!

If its too complicated, PEOPLE WILL NOT DO IT!

I suggest be edited to include a SIMPLER request to include a specific clause in acknowledgements. This should include the appropriate url/doi for the gs2 release, and perhaps also the following EPSRC Grant numbers: * EP/M022463/1 (Plasma-CCP Network) * EP/R029148/1 (Plasma Physics HEC Consortium) that pay for GS2 Meetings and support from Joseph Parker.

Comments (5)

  1. David Dickinson

    Whilst it's important to get the acknowledgements right I think this is different from the citation guidance/request that you're referring to here. We still need to make sure we provide some guidance for what sources to cite when using GS2.

    The citation file is supposed to provide a somewhat readable but portable/flexible standard form to provide the information required for referencing the code, the second sentence is just supposed to give a helpful tip for how to convert it into a common referencing format. We can presumably add some suggested papers to the readme/citation file as well.

  2. Stephen Biggs-Fox

    I have seen various journal websites (e.g. PRL) and similar offer citation downloads in various formats (bibtex, cff, EndNote (RIS), etc.). We could do the same on the GS2 website. Then the README could say something short, clear and simple like: "Citing GS2 If you use GS2 in your work, please cite the following paper(s) / DOI(s): A Author et al (2019) The Journal 1 (2) p. 3. The bibliographic information for this (these) citation(s) is (are) available to download in various formats (bibtex, cff, EndNote (RIS), etc.) from the GS2 website: LINK"

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