Recent changes to linked boundary conditions only in non-optimised init_opt_bc

Issue #62 resolved
David Dickinson created an issue

Need to port "recent" changes to linked boundary condition initialisation from non-optimised form to optimised form. Would then ideally remove non-optimised form (essentially same code, so no more complicated for optimised version).

Comments (5)

  1. David Dickinson reporter

    This difference currently leads to different results in nonlinear simulations depending on the choice for init_opt_bc

  2. David Dickinson reporter


    The above image shows a comparison of identical collisionless simulations expect for the choice of opt_init_bc

  3. David Dickinson reporter

    On closer inspection this difference is very surprising, as far as I can tell there are no differences between the values calculated by the optimised and non-optimised versions for any of the arrays calculated by these routines.

  4. David Dickinson reporter

    It seems that the timesteps follow a slightly different trajectory in the early phase and that this may then lead to a somewhat different late time behaviour. It's still not clear why the timestep trajectory is different -- floating point order may potentially be slightly different between identical repeat runs but I don't think we'd usually expect such substantial variation between repeat runs.

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