Output of make has full path but relative would be neater

Issue #75 resolved
Stephen Biggs-Fox created an issue

Run make and you get some output lines similar to:

Compiling: /path/to/repo/src/file.f90

This is messy when /path/to/repo is a long path. Might this be better as:

Compiling: src/file.f90

since everything should be within the repository?

Comments (5)

  1. David Dickinson

    I don’t think this is a bug.

    We could probably get relative paths working robustly but it's a bit easier currently to use the full path -- there were too many issues appearing in individual cases due to relative paths. We could of course just make the message print`$(notdir $(whatever_thing_is_currently_there)) instead but use absolute paths internally.

  2. David Dickinson

    Run make and you get some output lines similar to:

    Compiling: /path/to/repo/src/file.f90

    This is messy when /path/to/repo is a long path. Might this be better as:

    Compiling: src/file.f90

    since everything should be within the repository?

  3. Stephen Biggs-Fox reporter

    Fair enough, not a bug. Either way, it’s certainly not particularly important (hence marked as trivial) - just thought it would be an improvement so thought I’d mention it.

    Using absolute path internally but displaying relative path in the output seems like the easiest solution, especially if there are issues with using relative paths internally.

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