write_fluxes still false by default

Issue #86 resolved
Michael Hardman created an issue

Recent simulations by Jason @Jason Parisi using the current version of master did not write out the fluxes. It appears that write_fluxes is still false by default. This really needs to be addressed in master as soon as possible. A significant number of CPU hours were wasted. Whilst some users now know that write_fluxes is false by default it is not fair to expect that all users should know this when moving to the current version of master.

Comments (2)

  1. Joseph Parker

    Hi both, I’m sorry that this is causing problems. Just for the record, the reasons for changing the default write_fluxes from true to false were:

    1. historically the default was false, and the change to true was itself an unintended change of default
    2. having true as the default introduces unnecessary expense in linear runs.

    Clearly defaulting to false isn’t helpful though! I’ve implemented the solution of defaulting to false for linear runs and to true for nonlinear runs. These are in PR #211 for next and PR #212 for master. Hope this helps!

    PS: Sorry it’s taken me ages to reply - I’m actually on leave at the moment. I do get messages eventually, but I’m not necessarily able to reply quickly.

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