Broken tests

Issue #9 resolved
Joseph Parker created an issue

Tests don't work in master, but do run after a small tweak in make_tests_run

With that branch, the following fail:

  • gs2_diagnostics (both)
  • collisions (both)
  • le_grids
  • fields_gf_local

I think the first three were broken in svn r4406

Comments (11)

  1. Joseph Parker reporter

    Update: the breaking commit for all these tests is svn r4419, as acknowledged in the commit message. All the tests pass if the default le_grid is changed back by setting radau_gauss_grid = .false. in le_grids.f90.

    Obviously we'll need tests for the new grid, but in the meantime we should explicitly set radau_gauss_grid = .false. in the test input files.

    (NB: to get fields_gf_local working, we need nproc>=6 in tests/Makefile.tests_and_benchmarks otherwise gf doesn't have enough processors to run at the test's resolution.)

  2. Stephen Biggs-Fox

    I have some tests for the Radau-Gauss grid. They will need to be tidied up before they can be run automatically on the server but the core kernel of the tests is there. I will tidy them up and commit them on a branch at some point.

    @mrhardman1 mentioned in an email to me that he has some Radau-Gauss grid tests too. Michael - can you commit these at some point too if they're not done already. Thanks

  3. David Dickinson

    @bdorland I think currently it would probably be via email with Michael Hardman (or in the code comments), but hopefully this will make its way onto our standalone documentation.

  4. Stephen Biggs-Fox

    @mrhardman1 said to me recently in an email on the subject:

    "You raised the issue of documentation. After the migration, when it's clear where to upload info, I will copy my commit messages, which are extensive, to the wiki/new wiki. These messages would have helped you work out how to disable the feature"

    So @bdorland, it may also be worth looking at the commit messages for commits that changed that file:

    cd utils
    git log --pretty=full gauss_quad.f90
  5. Joseph Parker reporter

    The tests in 8.0.1 now pass, though the tests for Gauss Radau grids haven't yet gone in. I've opened #47 for that specifically, and I'm marking this resolved.

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