Fix segfault which occurred when

#105 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in bugfix/avoid_segfault_inmemory_force_maxwell (pull request #105)

f9dd6fb·Author: ·Closed by: ·2019-04-02


init_knobs:in_memory=.true. and fields_knobs:force_maxwell_reinit=.false.

Key change is

  • if (overrides_obj%force_maxwell_reinit) then

  • if (.not.overrides_obj%force_maxwell_reinit) then

This avoids the segfault by ensuring arrays are allocated at initialisation time. We could(/should) probably just check the allocated status at the point where we want to store values but that would be a larger change.


This should address #55 (at least in part)


Also fixes


  1. Potential hang with in_memory=.true. – added missing broadcast

  2. Fix templated generation from ruby for builds without the new diagnostics.

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