
#135 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in 8.0.2-RC (pull request #135)

474cacd·Author: ·Closed by: ·2019-06-10


This is the release candidate for GS2 v8.0.2. This is mainly a bug-fix release, with a few new features. A full list of merged pull requests - covering nearly 50 PRs and 1000 commits! - can be found in `CHANGELOG.md` - highlights are below.



  • Removed broken tests

  • Removed Makefiles and options for obsolete machines

  • Ensured restart file includes explicit source

  • Fixed nonlinear simulations with immediate_reset=.true.

  • Ported changes to init connected bc opt

  • Use le_layout for collisions by default

  • Precompute nrecv/nsend in redistributes to improve scaling

This release should pass all tests. Please report any failures by raising an issue.

Note. Users may find it necessary to remove untracked files from the gs2_gryfx test directory after updating, by doing rm -rf tests/unit_tests/gs2_gryfx/

Submodules. Users may need to run make submodules if updating an existing clone in order to fetch the correct versions of Makefiles and utils

DOI for this version: 10.5281/zenodo.2645150

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