Bugfix/avoid long lines in namelist related generated code

#218 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in bugfix/avoid_long_lines_namelist_generated_code (pull request #218)

9fd5e91·Author: ·Closed by: ·2020-01-16


  • Add script to test the maximum line length in files and use this in a new gitlab test.

    The aim is to flag when lines larger than 256 are committed as these are not allowed with the Cray compiler.c

  • Try to ensure we avoid excessively long lines in the two bits of generated code where this most commonly arises

  • Make sure declarations are in alphabetical order

  • Update generated configuration code to ensure lines are less than 256 characters long

Replaces PR #217


Currently the new test will fail due to some documentation lines that are too long. This is fixed with the changes in PR #213.


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