Bugfix/ideal ball with chease equilibrium v2

#271 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in bugfix/ideal-ball-with-chease-equilibrium_v2 (pull request #271)

0a21e84·Author: ·Closed by: ·2020-03-17


  • Fix bug where ideal_ball crashed with CHEASE equilibria

    Fixes #90

  • Add warning comments about possible ideal_ball bug

    This commit adds comments rather than fixing the bug becuase the use case of ideal_ball with a numerical equilibrium is rare. Therefore, the benefit of having the bug fixed (potentially no benefit) is outweighed by the effort of checking to see if this is a bug, fixing it and testing it. However, if the bug does ever crop up in the future, there are at least some comments to give the fixer a clue as to the likely cause and a possible fix.


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