Fix dim divides logic

#275 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in bugfix/fix_dim_divides_logic (pull request #275)

eceb4bf·Author: ·Closed by: ·2020-03-05


  • Add split_nicely calculated from dim_divides

    and use this to determine if we are allowed to use sub-communicators. This fixes a bug in the logic used to disable the use of the velocity integration sub-communicators.

  • Note that length one dimensions will always divide nicely

  • Try to set properties of dimensions to the left of a dimension that doesn't split nicely

  • Add a comment detailing potential issue with _local flags.

    Provide fix for the potential issue.

  • Fix for le_lo ?_local variables

This should fix a couple of potential issues with the decomposition logic in g_lo (and le_lo, although this isn’t used). The bug pertains to the variables used to automatically disable the use of sub-communicators in velocity space integrations. The fixed code attempts to be cautious, disabling this if there is any possible doubt.

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